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  • Writer's pictureKhada N. Acharya

It is about Environmental Posters.

Environmental Poster is compose of:

  1. Balance

  2. Rhythm

  3. Emphasis

  4. Unity

  5. Shape and

  6. Color

To show the pollution on Environment we do.

  • Writer's pictureKhada N. Acharya

It is about Definitions, mainly  uses  Rhythm and Texture.

  1. Rhythm: A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement.

  2. Texture: The surface characteristics of a material that can be experienced through the sense of touch or the illusion of touch.

  • Writer's pictureKhada N. Acharya

While Redesigning the Self Portrait Collage,  mainly  focused on following :

  1. Emphasis​

  2. Pattern

  3. Line

  4. Shape and

  5. Colors

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